Glossary of Terms for Craps

On this page we have listed a number of words and phrases that can be commonly heard at the craps table. You don’t need to know all of these to enjoy the game, but it does help to familiarize yourself with them if you are going to be playing in a live casino.

There’s a lot of slang and jargon used at the craps table, even by the stickmen and the dealers. It’s important to understand their language so that you know what’s going on.

After going through this glossary you’ll have a good grasp on all of the main terms and phrases that you’ll hear at the craps tables and you’ll be able to enjoy the experience even more.

When you’re able to join in on the fun, it makes for a much more relaxed and exciting experience.

Please note that we haven’t included terms relating to the different types of bet in craps, other than a few slang terms. We do have a dedicated page where we have explained all main bet types in detail though.

  • AceA die showing a value of one.
  • All The Spots We GotA slang term for a roll of one.
  • ArmA player who is skilled at throwing the dice and able to improve the chances of certain numbers being rolled.
  • Betting RightBetting on the pass line. See Right Bettor for a further explanation.
  • Betting WrongBetting on the don’t pass line. See Wrong Bettor for a further explanation.
  • Big RedA slang term for a roll of seven.
  • BonesAn alternative term for dice.
  • BoysA slang term for the dealers.
  • BoxmanA casino employee at the craps table, responsible for the chips and supervising the dealers.
  • Capped DiceDice which have been fixed to favor certain numbers.
  • Center FieldA slang term for a roll of nine.
  • Cold TableA table where at least most of the players are losing.
  • Color UpTo exchange small denomination chips for larger denomination chips.
  • Come Out RollThe first roll of the dice in a new round, which sets the point.
  • Crap OutTo throw a 2, 3, or 12 on the come out roll.
  • Crap NumbersThe numbers 2, 3, and 12.
  • Easy WayRolls of 4, 6, 8, or 10 made without a double.
  • EdgeSee House Edge.
  • FeverA slang term for a roll of five.
  • Front LineAn alternative name for the pass line bet.
  • GeorgeA player who tips well.
  • Hard NumberAny number rolled as a pair. Two fours is a hard eight while two fives is a hard ten etc.
  • House EdgeThe advantage the casino has over the player for any given bet, expressed as a percentage of the player’s bet.
  • Hot TableA table where at least most of the players are winning.
  • Insurance BetA wager that’s made to protect against another wager losing.
  • Little JoeA slang term for a roll of four.
  • Little PhoebeA slang term for a roll of five.
  • MarkerA plastic disc used by dealers to mark the point number on the table.
  • NaturalA roll of seven or eleven on the come out roll.
  • Outside NumbersThe numbers 4, 5, 9, and 10.
  • Parlay A BetAdding the winnings from a bet to the original stake and wagering it all.
  • PayoffThe amount received from a winning bet.
  • PayoutThe odds associated with a bet (eg. 7:1), or the amount received from a winning bet.
  • Place NumbersThe numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10.
  • PointThe value established on the come out roll.
  • Press a BetAdding money to an existing bet (typically doubling it).
  • Puppy PawsA slang term for a roll of ten.
  • RailThe area around the top of the craps table where player keep their chips.
  • Right BettorA player betting on the pass line. The term is used as most players bet on the pass line, and doing so usually means betting with the rest of the table.
  • Seven OutRolling a seven before rolling the point.
  • Skinny McKinneyA slang term for a roll of seven.
  • Snake EyesA slang term for a roll of two.
  • Square PairA slang term for a hard eight (a pair of fours).
  • StickmanA casino employee at the craps table, responsible for passing the dice to the shooter and announcing the outcome of rolls.
  • TokeA tip to the dealer.
  • Up Pops the DevilA slang term for a roll of seven.
  • Winner on Dark SideA slang term for a roll of three.
  • Working BetsBets that are in play for the next roll.
  • Wrong BettorA player who bets on the don’t pass line. The name stems from the fact that most players bet on the pass line, so betting the don’t pass line usually means wanting a different result than the rest of the table.
Photo of Kevin Roberts
Content Editor
Kevin Roberts, previously published under the pseudonym Noah Davis, is one of the more diverse writers at Like many of his colleagues, he's a huge fan of both football and basketball. But he also writes about box office records, TV show prop bets, DFS, and all kinds of other subjects. When it comes to the NFL, Kevin's favorite team is the Green Bay Packers. He enjoys cheering them on with his wife and daughter.