The Fibonacci Betting System
The Fibonacci system is a negative progression betting system, meaning it involves increasing your stakes following a losing wager. The theory is that doing this will help you to win money, as you’re likely to have higher stakes on winning wagers than you are on losing wagers. This principle applies to all negative progression systems.
There are simpler systems than the Fibonacci, but using it is not overly complicated. You just need to learn a few rules about how to adjust your stakes. You also need to be aware of the Fibonacci sequence, a well-known series of numbers that has several uses.
We explain how to use the Fibonacci system below, and also discuss whether it can actually work or not. We’ve started by providing some additional information on the Fibonacci sequence and it’s history.
About the Fibonacci Sequence
The Fibonacci sequence was first introduced in Indian mathematics, although it was not then known by that name. It gained wider exposure, particularly in the West, when it appeared in the book Liber Abaci (translated as “The Book of Calculations”), published in the early 13th century by the Italian Leonardo Pisano.

Among other achievements, Pisano helped to popularize the modern number system in the Latin speaking world. He was known by several other names, including Leonardo of Pisa and Fibonacci. It is after him that the Fibonacci sequence is named.
This sequence starts with a zero and then a one, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two numbers. It can go on infinitely, with the first fifteen numbers appearing as follows.
You could be forgiven for wondering what’s so special about this sequence of numbers. They actually play an important role in many aspects of mathematics and nature. They have been referred to as nature’s number system, as they frequently appear in the natural world.
Using the Fibonacci Betting System
The Fibonacci system is usually used when placing even money bets in the casino. It is commonly used by roulette players on the outside bets, such as red or black, or odd or even. Craps players can use it on the pass or don’t pass wagers. It can also be used playing blackjack or baccarat, or for even money wagers in sports betting.
This system utilizes the Fibonacci sequence, but ignores the zero at the start. You should therefore either try to memorize the sequence or have it written down somewhere.
Before you can put the system into practice you need to decide how much you are going to stake per unit. This can be any amount you choose, but we’d recommend keeping it small relative to the total amount you have to gamble with. About 2% is a good guideline, and we strongly advise going no higher 5%.
You then have to follow three rules regarding your staking.
Rule 1 – Start with One Betting Unit
Your first wager in each cycle should always be one single betting unit. This is because, ignoring the zero, one is the first number in the Fibonacci sequence. So if you’d decided that you were going to stake $5 per unit, your first wager would be for $5.
Rule 2 – Start with One Unit
Following a losing wager, you should move to the next number in the sequence for calculating the required stake. So, after losing your first wager, you’d move to the second number one in the sequence. That’s how many betting units you stake for your second wager. If you lost that one too, you’d move to the next number in the sequence. That’s a two, so you’d stake two units. Assuming $5 per unit again, the required stake is now $10.
This rule applies after every loss. You always move to the next number in the sequence, so you’re always increasing the stakes following a losing wager.
Rule 3 – Move Down the Sequence After a Win
Following a winning wager, you should move down TWO numbers in the sequence. So if you won after staking 13 units, for example, you’d stake just five units on the next wager. If you won after betting 55 units, on your next wager you would stake 21 units.
This rule applies after every win, with the following two exceptions.
- If you haven’t moved up at least two numbers in the sequence before winning, then you simply start at the beginning again.
- You start at the beginning of the sequence if at any point you are in profit for a cycle.
The second exception in rule three is one of the things that makes this system a little more complicated than others. You have to keep track of how much you are winning or losing during every cycle of the system, so that you know when to finish and go back to the start. This is easy enough when you’re playing online, as you can keep track with a pen and paper or use a spreadsheet. It’s a bit harder when playing in a live casino though, so you need to stay focused.
Does the Fibonacci System Work?
The Fibonacci system does nothing to improve your overall chances of winning in the casino. It can help you win money in the short term, or even over a longer period of time if you manage to keep avoiding a lengthy losing streak, but it is ultimately flawed.
Even though you go back two steps when you win and only go up one when you lose, there is still every chance that the stakes will get so high that you run out of money or hit the maximum bet allowed at the table.
Therefore, we have to conclude that the Fibonacci system doesn’t work. Despite this fact, we wouldn’t necessarily advise you to completely ignore it. If you like using betting systems, and are prepared to accept the risks involved, then it can be a bit of fun. Just remember that there are no guarantees of success with system (or any other system for that matter).
One thing we would stress is just how important is it to remain disciplined. Before playing, you should decide on an amount of money that you are happy to risk. If you lose that amount, you should cut your losses and stop.